Monday 2 April 2012

The Hidden Benefits of Obscurity

Let's be completely honest. No one is likely to read this. Even I'm unlikely to read this once it is down on paper (proof reading is not something I do often). This poet, like this blog is probably going to end up in some dusty old corner of the Internet, contributing the bandwidth clutter. And I'm fine with that to be honest. I've even come up with a list about all the perks of being unread (silver linings rule!): - No one cares about my atrocious spelling/grammar. Which is doubly handy as I'm an inaccurate typist who never proof reads and has a dodgy Autocorrect function on their phone. - I don't have to worry about spam/trolling comments. I'd rather have no comments at all than a hundred telling me I've won an iPad or that my computer is at risk. - There is no one to critise my insane theories. I could announce on here that I plan totals over the world with a bunch of pirates and a parrot called Bob and there would be no one to bat an eyelid (I you thought that was an example, you might like to thinking again: I have a script for my world domination and everything) - I can get hours of entertainment from looking at the stats page of the blog. I get really exicited when I get a pageview and I'm sure major blogs don't leap for joy when they see they've had three page views today (Disclaimer: one of them was me XD) Really quite fun! - I don't feel as guilty about posting at random times with irregular intervals and about completely bizarre and unrelated topics. I mean, I still feel slightly guilty, but if people were actually to read this regularly, the resulting guilt for not having posted in a week might actually kill me (I'm very susceptible to guilt) So you see! Not just one silver lining but many! Of corse if you are actually reading this then this post is slightly pointless. Then you wouldn't be reading it. And we would be stuck in a Catch-22 like paradox... Maybe not such a silver lining after all!

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