Monday 7 May 2012

When in England - enjoy the rain!

Having lived in the U.K. for more than a few years, I've adapted to some small things. I now know that potato chips are called crisps (though I still refuse to use that term) and kindergatern is nusery. I know the first verse of 'God Save The Queen' - a feat which a concerningly large number of naturally British people can't do. I know that if you pronounce vitamin 'Vita-min' instead of 'vit-amin', you will get some very odd looks. But, asides from the completely different form of English, the main problem I've had to overcome is the weather. Because if you live in the U.K. and you hate the rain or the cold, you're basically screwed.

At the moment, we've had a crazy amount of rain fall in a month or so. It has been raining pretty much every day (so you can't even hide away and wait for it to stop). And this is the drought period. So yes, rain is a common occurrence. So I've had plenty of time to appreciate the rain. For some reason, and I'm not entirely sure why, but I seem to be the odd one out. Everyone else is battling with their umbrellas or trying to huddle like sardines under the bus shelter and I'm just staring at them in mild amusement. Hating the rain must be an English thing. Anyway, I'm out to change people's minds about that! (Again, in a convenient list format)

- That really nice smell you get after heavy rain - the earthy, fresh nice one. It even has an name - petrichor! I'm not suire how often you can work it into a conversation but it's worth a try.

- That really nice sound you get from rain when it hits the roof of something. I don't know if that has a specific name - pounding? Closest I can think of.
    - Bonus: When you are snug and warm and you can hear the rain but know you don't have to do anything but listen to it :3

- When you get misty drizzly rain so everything goes kinda blurry at a distance. I don't know, I just like that view of things slightly
- Splashing in puddles. Yes, like a two year old. It's really quite fun
    - Splashing through puddles in a car (far away from innocent pedestrians though!) and watching the spray. One time, my family drove through the puddle in such a way that it splashed up and over the car and there was this really awesome rainbow effect

- Speaking of which, rainbows in general are cool. And double rainbows. Now here is a question: Do you think you can get triple rainbows?
- That *plop* feeling when raindrops (especially heavy rain) hits you. Not so fun is a rain drop hits you in the eye though

- Going outside to run about in the rain like a mad person and getting drenched :) Surprisingly refreshing, trust me.

So there you have it. Maybe more people should look on the bright (rainbow!) side of rain. Because if you love the rain, and you live in England, practically every day is a good day! Anyone have anything to say about rain/what to do in the rain?

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