Saturday 5 May 2012

Dancing - Way too much exercise!

So today, I had a bit of a sibling showdown to see which of us was the champion of dance (Answer: Not me...). After an hour of bouncing around like an idiot, I feel shattered. Not as shattered as when I ran the 1500m, but still pretty tired. There is a surprising amount involved in dancing!

For one thing, our one on one showdown was in a 2 by 2 metre box. So as well as getting all the moves right, there was a certain fighting element to it as we dodged stray arms, flailing legs flicks and out of control jazz hands. Seriously, there should be a health warning on the front of the dance CD! You know your reactions are a little too jumpy when you see the cat moving 2m away and instinctively go into a defensive crouch.

There was more fighting involved over the lead remote to pick the songs. I wanted to keep to the songs I knew (which, oddly, were mostly songs from before I was born) but my sister refused anything not from the past two years. There was some compromise that was basically 'Look, you do that song and I will sit here and laugh at you'. That meant even more work because you then had to do super well in that song to maintain your dignity (Mission Failed there)...

Speaking of maintaining dignity, whilst jumping about like a loon, scrabbling about on the floor (a freestyle move I like to call 'The Distressed Beetle') and doing some slightly dodgy looking moves, I had to be on the lookout for a phone 'subtly' filming my efforts. Once I spotted her phone, I had to add in my own moves 'The Phone Grab'. Which is harder than it looks.

Finally, as well as all the leg exercise from the bouncing, my right arm feels really sore now from flapping the remote about (which has probably permanently damaged my wrist...). That remote can be quite heavy - trust me, I got whacked by it enough times - and the game expects you to fling it about, both as part of the moves and when you realise you've done the wrong thing and have had to correct it. So yeah. I'm sure my wrist will appreciate the work out.

I'm not really sure how dancing works in real life for someone who dances professionally, but for their sakes' I'm hoping it is nothing as strenuous as the game! (Maybe I should just exercise more...) What do you reckon the worst song is for energy expenditure anyway?

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