Friday 18 May 2012

What geeks do in their spare time

Designing geeky t-shirts of course! (Okay, your definition of geeky may be different to mine). Anyway, whilst doing revision, my poor tired brain keeps taking the information and trying to twist it into something not dull. And then I get distracted.

Honestly, the design have very little actual knowledge stuff on them. I've not gone and written the three Newton's Laws of Motion on them or anything. Just small stuff like:
Note: I really do have a blast doing Chemistry anyway, whether there is hydrogen involved or not :3

See what I mean? Not exactly mind blowing stuff (not even particularly funny, similarly to those chemistry jokes...) But it takes just long enough for me to regain some sanity (revision would be going out the window otherwise, followed by myself). And I can pretend it's relevant! Except for the biology one. I don't even do biology...

Basically, this is the most productive procrastination I've done in a while, in terms of actually producing something I like. Anyone out there designed/seen any witty t-shirts lately?

P.S. Here are some of the other ones I made (I get REALLY easily distracted. I wasn't kidding)

P.P.S. Please no stealing my brain/work :( You can get these as lovely t-shirts instead if you want :)

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