Sunday 24 June 2012

An assortment of writing totems

I stumbled across my writing box again today. (Yes, I have a writing box. Who doesn't?) Having been buried since November's Nanowrimo, I dusted it off and looked through it. And nestled on top of a sheet of paper, were my four special writing totems. Each totem was given to me by someone and each one now reflects a different part of writing. And here, in no particular order, they are:

Right, so from left to right:

- The Awkward Turtle: Patron pet of embarrassing, bizarre and, of course, awkward conversations. His services are often required throughout my writing attempts... (I'm really bad at dialogue)

- Deranged Pink-Haired Scientist: The character killer. That rebellious character that won't be written well? Dead. That love interest that got too unbearably sappy? Dead. The entire cast of characters I couldn't be bothered to write a happy ending for? You guessed it. Another oft used totem.

- The Guilt Monkey (complete with mini clinging monkey attached): Ah yes. My old foe, who we've seen before. Has a habit of sneaking out of the box and haunting me throughout life. Comes to cling with its guilty paws when I'm not doing stuff I'm meant to - not just writing.

- The Me-Shark. Similar to a guilt monkey, but its guilt powers only work on writing related tasks. Also, instead of clinging, the me-shark will bite. (This start off when I tried to be a pirate and threatened to 'set me sharks on ya!'. Unfortunately, internet chat does not convey accents well and thus the me-shark was born)

Interestingly, (for me, at least) the person who gave me both the guilt-haunting totems was the same friend who got me to write by saying 'Let's be honest, you'll never finish it!!!' She had a point, but I finished all the same!

So there you have it. A complete introduction to my writing totems. And if you are wondering what my writing totems are for, they are like my little charms that I line up besides my keyboard, where I can keep an eye on them (and them on me!). As crazy as having writing totems may sound, I still love them and it does work. Maybe you should get one? (Or maybe you already do!)


  1. I'd like the guilt monkey, ;___;

    1. It is very cute. Also, though you can't see it in the picture, it has a little baby guilt monkey clinging to its back <3
