Thursday 14 June 2012

The fun bits of shooting

By shooting, I here mean ISSF rifle shooting, at paper targets (the poor defenceless things!). This is a sport (yes, it is a sport even though I spend an hour and 15 minutes trying not to move at all) I've been doing for several years so it's kinda obvious that I enjoy it. So, for the purpose of informing others, here is a list of things I like about shooting:

- Shooting good 10s (not that this happens much to me :P). This is even more fun in finals because then they all applaud :)
More variants on shooting 10s:
- Shooting several tens in a row. Then it's like a little game to see if you can keep it up
- Shooting a 10.9, which is perfect 10 right in the middle of the target. If I shoot one of these, I have a little bounce of happiness thing on range.

- Being able to think about other things. This is one is a bit confusing I suppose so I'll break it up:
 - Before the shot, I think about whatever floats into my head (which is generally quite random). It shouldn't but it does. Sometimes it's quite nice to not really think but to drift more.
 - Just before the shot, I think generally about a song. What song depends on what my mood is and what is caught up in my brain, but examples of songs include 'Do Better', 'Wonderwall', and 'I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor'. Again, nice just to have a song floating through.
 - Then at some point, my brain somehow switches off the song without me noticing and I take the shot. I don't know why my brain cuts off, but that moment of concentration just before a good shot, and then the calm of the followthrough afterwards, is quite a unique, interesting feeling. Especially as I never concentrate outside of shooting!

- The shooting positions are fun too!
- Kneeling is fun because when you stand up, you can't feel your legs and you get pins and needles (Yes, I don't mind that feeling!). And you also have to try to not fall over.
- Prone is nice because once you're done, you can have a nap! (Prone is lying down on a mat to shoot)
- Standing is interesting because you can feel just how much you are wobbling even when standing 'still'

- This is more just me, but I sometimes shoot crazily fast. And that's quite fun to do in a competition because it freaks people out a bit when you walk off and they have only just started their match properly (after doing 'sighters' which are like warm up shots). Pyschological games with competitors are fun!
- Speaking of which, being next to a left-handed rifle shooter or a right-handed pistoler is entertaining because (assuming you're  right handed), you are facing off each other as you shoot. Which is even more hilarious if you know the person and don't have a lot of concentration (like me)...

That's just an idea of why I like shooting (I also like it because I'm actually okay at it! Though that's not a good reason...). Anyone else shoot? Or want to start!

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