After a good 5 minutes of me in hysterics over my complete inability to play the game, I restarted. I skipped all the cutscences ('cos I'm lazy) and the first 5 minutes went as before, just with less running into things (I was still weaving everywhere, but you know. Baby steps.). I saved this time, so at least when I died, I didn't have the embarrasment of having to start a completely new game again. Then I took a deep breath, and headed towards that zombie.
Skipped another cutscene then OH GOD IT'S COMING FOR ME. I had the pistol out and ready this time so I fired off a few wild shots then edged backwards. I couldn't quite see where the zombie was because there was a wall in the way. Stupid third person -.- It kept coming and I kept shooting. Just as it was about to eat my face (again), it fell over, presumably landing on top of Jill's feet. I wasn't going to fall for that trick again so I quickly switched to the knife and stabbed it. IT GOT UP AGAIN. Switch to pistol, and tried running backwards away from it and pressed the attack button. I don't think I can shoot and run, and for someone who spends all their time on Call of Duty, pulling the trigger as fast as possible, waving the Wii remote at the TV frantically, and getting the main character to run away (also as fast as possible), this whole 'no run and shoot' thing is pretty terrifying. I decided to go with just the shoot part, grimacing at the screen as the zombie kept coming. Until it didn't. It fell over again and this time, I decided 'Screw the knife' and put another three shots in the body. It didn't get back up and the music stopped, which was possibly a good sign. One last poke with my knife, and I could relax. I'd finally killed the zombie. I mean, it had taken more than half of the 15 bullets I had started with, but hey!
I went back into the room. I stabbed the half eaten body a couple of times for good measure, then I examined it. There was a video tape which I can't see because, obviously, Jill doesn't have a VCR and TV with her. Not sure if creepy mansions have TVs, seeing how this place doesn't seem to even have electric lights, but I take the cassette anyway, because you never know, right? One more quick look round, then I head back to the room with the evil table to tell Barry about the flesh eating zombie (he might want to know before one starts munching on him).
Cue another cutscene. Jill is chased into a room by a zombie, shouting 'A MONSTER' in a very professional way. She's meant to be Alpha team for goodness sake. Anyway, that zombie was the same zombie I'd just pumped full of lead and stabbed then shot some more. Then stabbed again for good measure. Not impressed. Luckily, Barry pulls out a pistol (that looks nice than mine. Not jealous. At all) and kills the zombie in two shots. I feel slightly ripped off if I'm honest but at least it's probably properly dead now. They decide that it might be a good idea to tell Wesker about the zombies too, so we head back off to the hall to find him.
And, as you might have guessed, Wesker isn't in the hall. (Which is annoying because at the start of the game, when I wanted to go into the hall, he was there forcing me to go back. Now I *have* to be in the hall, he's buggered off. Unimpressed, Wesker. Unimpressed). We look around the hall for a bit trying to find him, but it's mostly just a load of doors that I'm not allowed to open yet. Wesker has completely disappeared. Great. Barry suggest we split up to look for him. This is obviously a great idea, despite the zombies and the fact that Wesker, half of Alpha team and ALL of Bravo team has disappeared. Also, Barry decides he's going to search the room we were already in, leaving me with the dangerous unknown parts. I was overjoyed.
So, there's Jill standing in the middle of a giant hall in a giant mansion all by herself. Now, I could explore the room on the other side of the hall, that the cutscene basically told me to investigate. Or I could try opening that big door that led to the outside world (because all the other doors seem locked). Maybe Wesker just popped outside for a smoke or something. I walked over towards the door. To my surpise the game let me open it...
Do you remember that I said in the first cutscene, Wesker, Barry and Jill were chased into the mansion? By a pack of dogs? Do you remember that I also said 'That information would have come in handy later...'? I kinda forgot that there was a reason we were staying in the creepy mansion.
Cutscene plays: The door opens and on the other side... Oh [grawlix] (This game looks like it will have a lot of those moments). Two, very angry looking, but obviously very patient, dogs are on the other side. A moment later and there is only one dog on the other side of the now shut door. The other dog was now in the main hall growling at me. I'm guessing it didn't just want a pat. I shot it a couple of times with the pistol to see if that would help. I don't think it did. The dog leapt at Jill (maybe it wanted a hug?) and then started to eat her like the stupid zombie (maybe not?). She managed to shake it of, but unlike the zombie, the dog didn't fall over. It was as tough as the zombie though, because another two shots later and it jumped on Jill again. This time, it knocked her to the floor and kept eating her. Seriously, does everything want to eat her? I don't see Barry getting eaten... Anyway, I wait for the dog to get off so I can kill it. Except, it beat me to it. 'You Are Dead.'
So far I had killed one thing in the game and the game had killed me twice. I think the game is winning. (I had saved this time though!)
Lessons learnt here:
- Bullets are pretty ineffective. Unless it's a cutscene.
- Zombies and dogs are pretty tough. Main characters aren't.
- Do not try and leave the game before it tells you to. The game will EAT you.
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