Monday, 22 July 2013

Resident Evil - The continuing saga of me getting eaten

After a good 5 minutes of me in hysterics over my complete inability to play the game, I restarted. I skipped all the cutscences ('cos I'm lazy) and the first 5 minutes went as before, just with less running into things (I was still weaving everywhere, but you know. Baby steps.). I saved this time, so at least when I died, I didn't have the embarrasment of having to start a completely new game again. Then I took a deep breath, and headed towards that zombie.

How NOT to play Resident Evil

So I got a new game this week - Resident Evil (as you might have guessed from the title...). It's the first third person shooter/survival horror game I've attempted playing before, but hey, how hard can it be?
Turns out, if you're as incompetent as I am, pretty hard.