'Grawlix - A string of typographical symbols, especially "@#$%&!", used (especially in comic strips) to represent an obscenity or swearword.' <-- Wiktionary definition of grawlix.
I thought I would start off by introducing my favourite word. It really needs an introduction because very few people seem to know it. But you, reader, are now in the know. Try and say it out loud now. It even sounds slightly rough like what it means. Isn't fun to say?! (That could just be me...) It can be a little clumsy (you try and fit the word grawlix in a conversation) but I personally love it nonetheless.
And after that pretentious word related start, hello there! (I'm hoping someone is there at least...) This is my new blog (I'm a complete beginner, if you didn't already gather that from the rambling). I like to talk a lot, go off on a lot of tangents (hence all the brackets) and learn lots of useless things like grawlix. And like the poor, underapreciated grawlix, I'm going to try and spread the knowledge! Even if it is only to the one person reading this blog...
So, to summarise a 200 word post into two words: Hello Internet! :D
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