Monday 22 October 2012

Who needs a cryptic code when you have appalling handwriting?

As mentioned before, I carry around a notebook in case of writing emergencies (and ideas). Also previously mentioned is the fact that I only study Maths, Chemistry and Physics nowadays. In 1 and a fraction years, the most writing with a pen that I've done is doing a proof by induction (They are pretty darn long). My handwriting was hardly perfect to begin with, but now it is effectively illegible. However there is a silver lining in all of this. Unless you are me, you can't read anything I've written (seriously, not even my parents and close friends can decipher it).

Monday 15 October 2012

The Chaotic Effect of Cake

In one of the first maths lessons of the year, our teacher made a small but unrecoverable error that basically caused the collapse of the entire lesson before it had even started.
She gave us cake before we'd actually started any work. Bad move.

Now cake is a good thing on the whole. Fewer things make a double lesson seem more managable than having a cake break scheduled. Especially delicious cake. But cake is a tricky thing, and it needs to be carefully controlled. Otherwise all hell breaks loose.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

My view on doors

A few months ago, my friend asked me to write something for the school magazine. On account of me being lazy, I merely sent her a link to my post on selfish umbrellas (which, to be fair, is still a post I'm pleased with, so I'm not that irritated by my own laziness). Anyhow, the theme was supposed to be about doors so it didn't quite work but she still put it in anyway. She's slightly odd (yet lovely) like that for not laughing at my writing. But to make up for it, I am now going to write down all the random door-related thoughts that are floating around in my head.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

In case of apocalypse

In preparation for National Novel Writing Month, I've been doing a lot of research into zombies - my chosen genre this year is 'Humorous Post-Apocalyptic' which can only go well... I've even gone so far as to order the Zombie Survival Guide (seriously, the zombies had better not invade before next week because that's when my book arrives) And, looking over the available zombie survival advice, I'm pretty much sorted for when the zombies come.